After a week of silence stiller than the depths of The Mausoleum, we've got some exciting updates to share with you as The Haunting of Joni Evers continues development...
From Across the Pond
Last week, we welcomed one of our team members all the way from Denmark! We had a wonderful time bonding, as friends and as co-workers. The week was a tiring but delightful change of pace; since we're a hybrid studio, it's not very often that we physically work in the same place. We spent the week playing the game, reviewing a litany of aspects (environments, mechanics, sound, and more), and planning out the final stretch of necessary tasks to achieve "Alpha" status.

What is "Alpha" status, I hear you pondering to yourself... In our context, it simply means that the game has all of its features proven and implemented. Additionally, it means the game can be played through, in its totality, from beginning to end (with some placeholder content in various sections).
The best news? We're only two weeks away!
As we near the merciful turning of the season, we creep ever closer to releasing The Haunting of Joni Evers. Beyond Alpha, we have many steps left to take: recording the final lines of dialogue, incorporating the complete soundtrack, finishing and polishing remaining art assets, and ramping up playtesting and marketing with the help of our publishing partner, among others. But you can feel it in the air... the Haunting grows ever closer. Before you know it... it will arrive. We hope you're getting as excited as we are.
Keep an eye out for news and our presence at events later this year, including Indie Mania (Sept. 12-14). As always, wishlist the game on Steam if you haven't already, and encourage others to do the same! And join our burgeoning Discord community to make sure you never miss a beat.
See you on The Causeway,
Greg Rogers (he/him), Creative Director