Hello travelers,

We’re making some small shifts to how we talk about our work and engage with you all, and now, with the temperatures cooling off and the earlier evenings creating the right ambience for campfires and stories, seems like a great time to do so. Today, we’ll be sharing an update on some project reveals you can expect in the very near future and some adjustments to our Patreon goals as a result.

Coming Soon: Project Reveals

Within the next month or so we plan to do an in-depth public project reveal, sharing details about gameplay, characters, story, and setting, with an early reveal for Patrons.

Our goal is to be more open about the work we’re doing and not hold our cards so close to the chest. This goal throws some of our previous support goals into disarray as they were predicated on reaching certain tiers to reveal parts of our projects, so instead we’ve pivoted those support goals.

Support Goals 2.0: Community and Peeks Behind the Curtain

The new goals are more focused on building community and increasing access to our in-progress development, on top of all of the narrative content you already receive regularly. Here we go:

$100/mo - At this goal (and additionally at every multiple of $500/mo) we will schedule a 1-time, 1-hour Q&A Roundtable Discussion with our development team for ALL Patrons.

$500/mo - We’ll release a collection of early concept art and visual tests for Project: Mali Most for ALL patrons.

$1,000/mo - Merch time! We’ll develop a line of merchandise for the Worlds Across the Causeway.

$2,500/mo - We’ll release a trove of behind-the-scenes assets from The Infinite Well’s preproduction for ALL Patrons, including early design sketches, direction videos, voice-over outtakes, original soundtrack demos, and more.

$5,000/mo - We’ll start and support a community Discord server where you can theorize to your heart’s content about the Worlds Across the Causeway and even interact with the development team on occasion.

Website Redesign and A New Instagram Account

Finally, some social updates:

We’ve redesigned our website to be more in line with with the worlds we’re creating, including a place to recognize our wonderful Patrons! When we reveal our game projects they will also go live there along with galleries of related art.

We’ve also added an Instagram account (@CausewayStudios) to our roster where we’ll be sharing more visually-centric content. Some of the content will overlap with our Twitter account and the vignettes you see here, while other times we’ll be sharing art, concepts, videos, or other things from our in-development games.

We Forge On

We’re very excited for these changes and to share more with you, so much so that we’re practically vibrating with excitement (though that may be the copious amounts of coffee…) as we put the final details on everything. If you have any questions about anything we’ve talked about, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Patrons, be on the lookout for that sneak peak!

Until then, thank you for sitting at our campfire and for your support.