On the Infinite
(6 posts)
May 11, 2023
“Those who call The Well home are each provided a house. They are less ‘dream-houses’ and more explorations of personality and soul. Many a first-time denizen has been unsettled by the sudden appearance of a house meant ‘just for them’, yet they never refuse hospitality. Better to sleep in an
ReadSeptember 01, 2022
"The forest that covers The Well is at once tranquil and distressing. The distinction between Strange and Normal, Shallow and Deep, become tangled up with one another — a non-euclidean space expressed in a paradoxical, Euclid-approved form.”
ReadAugust 16, 2022
“It is difficult to compare accounts, as no single person has seen more than their own village, but from what I can gather (despite their eerie tinges) these villages don’t seem like such bad places to be stuck for eternity.”
ReadMarch 10, 2022
“Within The Well lies an infinite landscape filled with forests and mountains. Many villages dot the terrain, yet the villagers of one village can never travel to the others. It is a stranger mystery still that each village can so easily access the Grove.”
ReadJanuary 10, 2022
“On the outskirts of the village sits a solitary Motel that is not, in fact, a Motel. Denizens should be wary of its allure. While answers can be found here, no one should, under any circumstances, reside or sleep within its walls.”
ReadJanuary 10, 2022
“It is known that one cannot simply find The Well; The Well must find you. Many have spent their whole lives searching to no avail. I believe the key lies in phenomenology; i.e. the study of the ways in which we experience things.”
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