The Grave-Keeper weaves in and out of a dense crowd. They like it here, in what the locals call an “Expo Hall” — they don’t have to obscure their face here, as the locals seem to encourage a fashion that doesn’t make them appear out of place.

“Hi there!” A friendly voice catches their attention. “Would you like to play the demo for an exciting new narrative-focused game coming out this fall? It’s called The Haunting of Joni Evers.”

“Okay.” The Grave-Keeper sits down and begins to play. As they do, strange memories wash over them. Exploring the kitchen of the Cunningham House, a collection of mugs catches their eye. They read: “Oz’s Diner”. The Grave-Keeper picks one up and hears the protagonist, Joni, say:

“Edith… you’ve gotta stop swiping these. They are good mugs. What Simon doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

The Grave-Keeper turns to the booth attendant and exclaims, “I know this! I’ve been to Oz’s! I’ve met Simon!”

The attendant does his best to keep on a friendly smile.

“Did you know there is no Oz?”