The Hall of Echoes
(2 posts)
The Hall of Echoes
Behind the Scenes
Development Update
Harvest, Oklahoma
The Watcher
The Infinite Well
Joni Evers
The Watcher Discovers the Secret of Life
July 28, 2022
Grave-Keeper: Well? Which doorway will you choose? I had thought long and with great intention about this choice — any of these worlds (the Seas Below, The Infinite Well, the Hall of Echoes) could lead me to the Secret of Life and reunite me with my soul. I: I choose the
ReadJuly 14, 2022
The Grave-Keeper and I walked past a massive tree into a passageway tucked behind. For a while, we walked in darkness. I never felt afraid, though I also felt as though I should. Grave-Keeper: Here we are. They motioned about a juncture with a mid-height ceiling. Before me there were