
(20 posts)

August 29, 2024

The Grave-Keeper weaves in and out of a dense crowd. They like it here, in what the locals call an “Expo Hall” — they don’t have to obscure their face here, as the locals seem to encourage a fashion that doesn’t make them appear out of place. “Hi there!


July 18, 2024

The Gardener and the Grave-Keeper met on the mountain top overlooking the wisest city. “Good day to you, cousin,” the Gardener said. The Grave-Keeper did not answer, instead staring out over the valley. “Someone’s in a bad mood today.” “Yeah, I am.” The Grave-Keeper continued to look out, their


January 04, 2024

A small bell affixed above the door clinks as the Grave-Keeper takes their first step into Oz’s Diner. It’s late, and the establishment is sparsely populated. The Grave-Keeper is disguised, their hood pulled up over their head; no need to worry about the humans seeing their true face.


November 17, 2023

“Is there some point you’re trying to make?” the Grave-Keeper asked, now fully regretting having pulled over to attend to the dead man. “All stories have points to make, but what point I’ve made is up to you to make sense of — or don’t, I don’t


November 10, 2023

The dead man began his story: “Once there was a man named Sisyphus who kept a beautiful farm, full of fertile, black soil (this was after he had decided to let the boulder roll away long ago). As he expanded his land, he excavated a beautiful assortment of statues made


November 02, 2023

The Grave-Keeper reached down and pulled the dead man from his grave — the grave they had just dug for him. The dead man brushed the neutrinos off his vest and spoke, even though his jaw was unhinged on one side. “Thanks for that. Though, I suppose it was your fault


October 26, 2023

The Grave-Keeper dangled their arm out a window in the not-car. Solar winds brushed against their face as they pushed the pedal to the floor. It had been some time since they’d cruised the Celestial Highway, a long time since they’d made time just for themself. The Highway


November 03, 2022

At an uncertain time, the Grave-Keeper accidentally stumbled Outwith. They looked around, pulling off their hood for clarity, and were confused — this is a place they didn’t know could exist. Outwither: Haven’t seen your kind before. Startled, but not afraid, the Grave-Keeper turned to meet the unfamiliar voice.


August 09, 2022

I followed my soul along a straight line through the endless forest (that one of my dead selves had previously found, now that I think on it). We entered a grove beneath a cathedral of trees, and my soul suddenly split and unfolded along many paths. My Soul: This is


July 28, 2022

Grave-Keeper: Well? Which doorway will you choose? I had thought long and with great intention about this choice — any of these worlds (the Seas Below, The Infinite Well, the Hall of Echoes) could lead me to the Secret of Life and reunite me with my soul. I: I choose the


July 14, 2022

The Grave-Keeper and I walked past a massive tree into a passageway tucked behind. For a while, we walked in darkness. I never felt afraid, though I also felt as though I should. Grave-Keeper: Here we are. They motioned about a juncture with a mid-height ceiling. Before me there were


July 12, 2022

I followed the Grave-Keeper through a cavernous chamber. At its center a sarcophagus sat beneath a massive tree. I: What’s the tree for? Grave-Keeper: Oh, that’s for carbon-based life forms that require high blood-oxygen saturation levels to live. Don’t worry, you don’t need that. I: What


May 03, 2022

I: You said you found my soul. Grave-Keeper: I did. I: Is that why you've brought me to this place? I look back at the dead body in the dark passage. Grave-Keeper: I told you not to tarry. That note wasn’t meant for you. I keep the note. Or…


March 31, 2022

Grave-Keeper: Don’t tarry here, Watcher. I couldn’t help but return and examine the corpse I had stepped over. What had been a candle was left burnt to nothing by the body. I noticed a paper note, suspiciously conspicuous, left unfolded by them. I picked it up and read


March 08, 2022

The Grave-Keeper and I walked down long-forgotten halls made of a cold stone. I: What is this place? Where have you led me? Grave-Keeper: This is The Mausoleum. I: I’ve never heard of this place. Grave-Keeper: Few have. I: Why is that? Grave-Keeper: Here, one may find the Secret
