The Infinite Well
(16 posts)
May 11, 2023
“Those who call The Well home are each provided a house. They are less ‘dream-houses’ and more explorations of personality and soul. Many a first-time denizen has been unsettled by the sudden appearance of a house meant ‘just for them’, yet they never refuse hospitality. Better to sleep in an
ReadSeptember 01, 2022
"The forest that covers The Well is at once tranquil and distressing. The distinction between Strange and Normal, Shallow and Deep, become tangled up with one another — a non-euclidean space expressed in a paradoxical, Euclid-approved form.”
ReadAugust 16, 2022
“It is difficult to compare accounts, as no single person has seen more than their own village, but from what I can gather (despite their eerie tinges) these villages don’t seem like such bad places to be stuck for eternity.”
ReadAugust 09, 2022
I followed my soul along a straight line through the endless forest (that one of my dead selves had previously found, now that I think on it). We entered a grove beneath a cathedral of trees, and my soul suddenly split and unfolded along many paths. My Soul: This is
ReadJuly 28, 2022
Grave-Keeper: Well? Which doorway will you choose? I had thought long and with great intention about this choice — any of these worlds (the Seas Below, The Infinite Well, the Hall of Echoes) could lead me to the Secret of Life and reunite me with my soul. I: I choose the
ReadJuly 14, 2022
The Grave-Keeper and I walked past a massive tree into a passageway tucked behind. For a while, we walked in darkness. I never felt afraid, though I also felt as though I should. Grave-Keeper: Here we are. They motioned about a juncture with a mid-height ceiling. Before me there were
ReadJune 09, 2022
I came upon an endless forest and marveled at what I had never yet seen. I: Who would not leave their kingdom for a forest if given the chance? The Well spoke to me and said: None would. I: I do not understand. The Well responded thus: None come here
ReadMay 31, 2022
Yasmin: What is this place? Where am I? … Yasmin: I was just in the city. Now I’m in this…forest. … Yasmin: Well? You mean the well back in that grove? … Yasmin: This whole place? That doesn’t make any sense. I don’t understand. Start from the beginning.
ReadMarch 10, 2022
“Within The Well lies an infinite landscape filled with forests and mountains. Many villages dot the terrain, yet the villagers of one village can never travel to the others. It is a stranger mystery still that each village can so easily access the Grove.”
ReadJanuary 27, 2022
I went up to the hills, beyond the constellations in the sky, to visit with the hill folk. I: I have a problem, hill folk, and I seek your guidance. Celestia: You’ve traveled a long way, Watcher. We’ll help if we can. I: I’ve lost my soul
ReadJanuary 18, 2022
0:00/1× Transcript: Girl: Mom... mom! Mommy! Mom: What is it honey? Girl: I can't find Spikey! Mom: You can't find Spikey? That won't do, let me take a look. Girl: I need Spikey! Mom: Here we are Girl: *Excited gasp* Spikey Mom: Everything better now? Girl: Yeah! I
ReadJanuary 11, 2022
I’ve been gone for a time, fellow travelers, wandering the aether. From irrational beginnings, we take our first steps into strange worlds. Pieces of ourselves can be found strewn about. We struggle for meaning. The journey continues… Meaning is a marathon. It is nurtured, found in fragments not wholes.
ReadJanuary 10, 2022
“On the outskirts of the village sits a solitary Motel that is not, in fact, a Motel. Denizens should be wary of its allure. While answers can be found here, no one should, under any circumstances, reside or sleep within its walls.”