
March 03, 2025

With the Game Developers Conference just around the corner, we've been diving into the next tales from the Worlds Across the Causeway so we can share them there and find others who want to help us bring them to life. Preproduction and Pitching For the past month we've been refining


February 27, 2025

The Valley calls. The Valley calls. Todd had known the rhyme for all his life, though exactly where and from whom he’d learned it he couldn’t remember. Darkness settled on the valley as the sun crept behind the San Juan Mountains. His eyes kept to the long, white


February 27, 2025

“What are the “Worlds”? I’ve heard much mention of these places, questions from travelers as to what exactly they are and how one might explore them. While I don’t fully understand, allow me to shed some light so that others may see more clearly. The “Worlds” are exactly


February 03, 2025

Now that the initial release window for The Haunting of Joni Evers is behind us, we're finally a little more equipped to celebrate it and solidify our plans for what comes next. "An Indie Gem Brimming With Mystery and Emotion" As I'm sure you can imagine, it's very anxiety-inducing to


January 13, 2025

Fellow Travelers, At long last the clouds have formed, the storm has descended, and Joni's harrowing night has begun. Thank you so much for you support so far, it is what has kept us striving to bring you this emotional tale that we hope will deeply resonate with you. We're


December 20, 2024

As 2024 comes to an end, we'd like to wish you all happy holidays and reflect on an incredible year. We'll be taking the next couple of weeks off to make sure everyone on the team has a chance to rest and enjoy time with their families before we come


December 12, 2024

Liminal. Liminal. To be apart, yet never be a part. Cold, stone hallways — grand, sublime, cosmic, yet… personal. When did you nestle one of your doors in my valley? Are you sneaky because you’re never really there, or have you always been here? Are you the outsider, or am


December 12, 2024

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Joni’s tale begins on January 13th, 2025! Watch our release date announcement trailer below to catch some new glimpses of the Cunningham House and everything you’ll encounter while exploring. Get ready to face the past, break a curse, and experience a


November 28, 2024

Magic is intrinsically tied to consciousness. Not our consciousness, per se, but consciousness in a capital “C” sense. It’s difficult to explain, but that very trait is what makes it magic. In Science there are observable rules, truths about our universe that can be gleaned through testing, cross-referencing, and


November 21, 2024

Old Scratch — supposedly a pseudonym for The Devil himself. First, let’s get one thing straight: there are numerous devils and demons roaming the Worlds, which should nix any notion that there be a singular, capital-“D” Devil. As for Old Scratch he seems to enjoy the finer things in


November 18, 2024

It’s been a long drive. A drink sounds pretty good. You eye the eclectic assortment of tap handles. You imagine yourself a connoisseur, so you always look to try something local wherever you go.


November 14, 2024

Cevin leans out over roughly-hewn guardrails. The pine needles above and around him rustle as wind passes out of the Golden Fields into his tree line. Yes, it was his. It had been weeks since anyone he knew had left to investigate the pillars of smoke. The smoke had since


August 29, 2024

The Grave-Keeper weaves in and out of a dense crowd. They like it here, in what the locals call an “Expo Hall” — they don’t have to obscure their face here, as the locals seem to encourage a fashion that doesn’t make them appear out of place. “Hi there!


August 22, 2024

Rob steps across the threshold into the black box studio. He’s crossed over hundreds of times yet each time feels fresh, like stepping into a brave new world. As he arranges his acrylics and preps his palette, the make-up artist comes forward to fiddle with his permed hair. There’


August 08, 2024

A mangy, black dog rummages through the dumpsters behind Oz’s Diner. The moon’s light is obscured by dark clouds. The dog knows he doesn’t belong here, but he can’t help falling into mischief with ample mischief to be found. He doesn’t like hurting people, but


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