Behind the Scenes
(37 posts)
October 07, 2024
It's been a busy time these last couple of months and we have a couple of exciting updates to share! Milestone: Beta - Content Complete First things first: we have reached our Content Complete milestone for The Haunting of Joni Evers (which we're also referring to as our Beta milestone)
ReadAugust 20, 2024
The updates and milestones are coming in faster and faster these days, with today's news being that we have officially reached our Alpha milestone. The most important part of this milestone is being able to play the game from beginning to end, and I can't put into words what a
ReadAugust 05, 2024
After a week of silence stiller than the depths of The Mausoleum, we've got some exciting updates to share with you as The Haunting of Joni Evers continues development... From Across the Pond Last week, we welcomed one of our team members all the way from Denmark! We had a
ReadJuly 12, 2024
We’re excited to share a couple of announcements today: reaching a development milestone and the launch of our Discord server! Development Milestone: Pre-Alpha First, we reached an important milestone this week: Pre-Alpha! This means a lot of different things at a lot of different studios but for us it
ReadJune 03, 2024
We are incredibly excited to announce that we have partnered with indie.io to publish The Haunting of Joni Evers! Working with a publisher amplifies our small team's efforts tenfold as it allows us to focus our attention and resources on crafting Joni's tale while they leverage their expertise to
ReadJanuary 05, 2024
Greetings, fellow travelers, A happy new year to you all! I hope the holidays have treated you well, you are well-rested, and you are as excited as we are for what this year has in store. (Not to mention, goodbye and good riddance to 2023!) Causeway Studios has been through
ReadFrom the Causeway: Focusing our end-of-year efforts to iterate on Project: Aftermath
Behind the ScenesNovember 01, 2023
Greetings, fellow travelers, We've heard from a few of you that you would like to hear from us more regularly, and so I've decided to set up a schedule to let you know what we're up to every couple of months. Today, I'm going to mention the active contract projects