On the Nature of Magic
(2 posts)
On the Nature of Magic
Behind the Scenes
Development Update
Harvest, Oklahoma
The Infinite Well
The Watcher
Project: Aftermath
Joni Evers
November 28, 2024
Magic is intrinsically tied to consciousness. Not our consciousness, per se, but consciousness in a capital “C” sense. It’s difficult to explain, but that very trait is what makes it magic. In Science there are observable rules, truths about our universe that can be gleaned through testing, cross-referencing, and
ReadJuly 25, 2024
Magic is magic. Regardless of what people say, magic is not some science we don’t understand (that, of course, is still science). It does not have rules or laws in the traditional sense. What makes magic Magic is its inherent mutability. Think of it like this: Magic is a