The Dreamscape
(5 posts)
June 06, 2024
Not to be confused with the malicious Skull Man, the Skeleton King is a benevolent being that primary exists within the astral realms of The Dreamscape. Often projecting himself as large and imposing, the Skeleton King has been known to shepherd wayward minds that find themselves adrift in the dream
ReadMay 04, 2023
So I sat on a log among the hill folk, unsure if I were still among the land of dreams or not. A woman with skin the color of the deep blue, midnight sky approached. As she stepped through shifting moonlight, her arms and face scintillated as if she were
ReadMarch 09, 2023
I sat in the hand of the Skeleton King as he carried me away from the castle. He oscillated between jovial and dejected. I suppose mood swings are to be expected when one has been dead long enough to become a monarch. “What were you doing in there?” The king
ReadJanuary 12, 2023
Something’s following me. It’s playing a game of cat and mouse. The dangerous thing — it knows it’s the cat. Wake up. Wake UP! No luck. My strides extend. Before I realize, I’m running down a hallway through shafts of icy moonlight. I should never have come
ReadJune 14, 2022
“I have a recurring dream of fear and rock and mist. Hallways that lead to nothing. I am in a large castle carved from obsidian. Crystalline tendrils simultaneously writhe and remain motionless on the ceiling as I walk the halls. I never start in the same place, yet always find