(122 posts)
March 16, 2023
The cosmos is vast and unknowable. Through consciousness we venture and make contact with the unknown. This is the limitation of our existence.
ReadMarch 02, 2023
Our sense of self is our greatest strength and our greatest weakness. The self allows our personal consciousness to navigate the seas of existence, but so too does it prevent our communion with the Universal Consciousness.
ReadFebruary 23, 2023
“Little People are fierce protectors of nature. Don’t mistake their size and demeanor for frailty. A lone boulder in a field may remain untouched because the locals know, or perhaps fear, that it is the home for the faeries that inhabit the land. Disrespecting the faeries’ homes can lead
ReadFebruary 09, 2023
“Faeries, or Little People as the locals refer to them, are reclusive beings. One might take a hundred strolls through the woods and never encounter evidence of their existence. However, travel into the deep woods and you may chance across one. Caution, though! You must respect these areas of nature
ReadFebruary 02, 2023
The threads of existence are intertwined with consciousness. Without consciousness the cosmos would cease to exist. This is the Great Paradox.
ReadJanuary 19, 2023
“I ventured farther into the lighthouse. It’s funny — lighthouses are small places, yet in our imaginations they seem like castles. Shadows cling to my limbs. Ahead is a cracked door, a light peeking through creases in the darkness. I’m drawn to the door — who wouldn’t be? But
ReadJanuary 04, 2023
Through the Goat’s Teeth, among the northeastern woods, a cloaked figure wanders. It’s so dark; a new moon hovers in the sky. They seem to be following something, but what is hard to say. There! A second cloak moves among pines and quaking aspens. A third. And… is
ReadDecember 07, 2022
We here at The Inquirer and Reflection are excited to announce that we’re expanding our operations and news coverage to Healing Springs, AR. The market there is even smaller than what we’re accustomed to in Harvest, OK (where our HQ is located), so it should fit our business
ReadNovember 29, 2022
We were unable to convince Andre to reveal the location he claims to have been for the past week. While he was initially eager to talk with us, he as refused any follow-up interviews and is not returning our calls or emails.
ReadNovember 22, 2022
Once we were confident it was appropriate, we interviewed the amnesic man found in the park where he was reported missing last week. An excerpt from that interview follows: Interviewer: You believe you’ve been gone for how long? Andre: Years at least. (Pause in the conversation) Andre: Don’t
ReadNovember 22, 2022
Conductor! A conductor of automobiles. A bus flies through the misty air with no one around to care No one except the conductor, of course! Can you imagine what else he might conduct, in flux, with baton twirling thus? I would go ask him, but I just got hit by
ReadNovember 16, 2022
There is a place, fellow traveler, that is so thin it appears as nothing but a ghost. In this place, everything is fleeting: time, consciousness, the taste of pumpkin pie. It’s easy to overlook the worth of a place like this, but when you make the time to appreciate
ReadNovember 03, 2022
At an uncertain time, the Grave-Keeper accidentally stumbled Outwith. They looked around, pulling off their hood for clarity, and were confused — this is a place they didn’t know could exist. Outwither: Haven’t seen your kind before. Startled, but not afraid, the Grave-Keeper turned to meet the unfamiliar voice.
ReadOctober 20, 2022
“Dreams provide a perspective to unseen aspects of the nature around us. In order to reveal some obscured truth, your best chance is to do so under the unobstructed view of an unfettered celestial body. If you draw an appropriate symbol (see the figures later in this text), and use
ReadOctober 18, 2022
I came upon a rising sea, and watched as it swallowed everything around me. I: Sea, you are deep and sublime and strange, and I love you for that. The sea said something in response… but all I could hear were the hissing waves.