(5 posts)
November 29, 2022
We were unable to convince Andre to reveal the location he claims to have been for the past week. While he was initially eager to talk with us, he as refused any follow-up interviews and is not returning our calls or emails.
ReadNovember 22, 2022
Once we were confident it was appropriate, we interviewed the amnesic man found in the park where he was reported missing last week. An excerpt from that interview follows: Interviewer: You believe you’ve been gone for how long? Andre: Years at least. (Pause in the conversation) Andre: Don’t
ReadFebruary 10, 2022
Weird occurrences have become the norm in the not-so-quiet town of Harvest, Okla. The same town that endured the “llama incident” earlier this year has experienced yet another inexplicable phenomenon. Joni Evers, town resident and local mechanic, gives us her perspective on the event’s beginnings: “I first noticed something
ReadJanuary 13, 2022
Strange happenings continue to disquiet the small town of Harvest, Okla. Known for their high-quality corn exports and locally world-famous Papier-mâché Museum, the town has reportedly run afoul of unfortunate phenomena over the past year. The latest incident occurred last night in the cornfield on the west side of town.
ReadJanuary 10, 2022
Andre Torres, a man who has been reported missing for nearly a week, has been found. He wandered out of the woods east of town where he was spotted by a local resident Saturday morning, who called in his appearance. Here is an excerpt from our interview with Andre: Interviewer: