The Watcher
(16 posts)
November 08, 2022
At long last I came to the Golden Fields. I expected feelings of relief and fulfillment, but instead felt a gnawing hunger. A Reaper approached me and handed me a scythe. Reaper: Welcome, Watcher. We have long expected you. With this tool you can reap to your heart’s content.
ReadSeptember 27, 2022
My soul and I went to the Great Lake to bathe. As I began submerging my feet to my ankles, my soul tapped me on the shoulder and pointed down the shoreline. I saw another person wading into the lake. I shouted to them. I: Be careful! This lake is
ReadSeptember 08, 2022
Standing there in the shade of that infinite place, I discovered the Secret of Life — that which is unknowable and yet at the same time all I knew. Forever would I search for the secret I already carried, that I already knew, yet never be able to explain. Life’s
ReadSeptember 06, 2022
I approached the simple, stone well at the center of the grove. Darkness surrounded me. I stared for a moment. Suddenly, a bright light…no a bright reflection? A glowing mirror appeared before me and I saw a vision. In this vision I stood on the banks of a great
ReadAugust 09, 2022
I followed my soul along a straight line through the endless forest (that one of my dead selves had previously found, now that I think on it). We entered a grove beneath a cathedral of trees, and my soul suddenly split and unfolded along many paths. My Soul: This is
ReadJuly 28, 2022
Grave-Keeper: Well? Which doorway will you choose? I had thought long and with great intention about this choice — any of these worlds (the Seas Below, The Infinite Well, the Hall of Echoes) could lead me to the Secret of Life and reunite me with my soul. I: I choose the
ReadJuly 14, 2022
The Grave-Keeper and I walked past a massive tree into a passageway tucked behind. For a while, we walked in darkness. I never felt afraid, though I also felt as though I should. Grave-Keeper: Here we are. They motioned about a juncture with a mid-height ceiling. Before me there were
ReadJuly 12, 2022
I followed the Grave-Keeper through a cavernous chamber. At its center a sarcophagus sat beneath a massive tree. I: What’s the tree for? Grave-Keeper: Oh, that’s for carbon-based life forms that require high blood-oxygen saturation levels to live. Don’t worry, you don’t need that. I: What
ReadMay 03, 2022
I: You said you found my soul. Grave-Keeper: I did. I: Is that why you've brought me to this place? I look back at the dead body in the dark passage. Grave-Keeper: I told you not to tarry. That note wasn’t meant for you. I keep the note. Or…
ReadMarch 31, 2022
Grave-Keeper: Don’t tarry here, Watcher. I couldn’t help but return and examine the corpse I had stepped over. What had been a candle was left burnt to nothing by the body. I noticed a paper note, suspiciously conspicuous, left unfolded by them. I picked it up and read
ReadMarch 08, 2022
The Grave-Keeper and I walked down long-forgotten halls made of a cold stone. I: What is this place? Where have you led me? Grave-Keeper: This is The Mausoleum. I: I’ve never heard of this place. Grave-Keeper: Few have. I: Why is that? Grave-Keeper: Here, one may find the Secret
ReadMarch 01, 2022
I followed the Grave-Keeper across a line I did not know existed. Such a funny thing, the things that lie within our periphery — both inside and outside our vision. Before I knew it, we stood in a strange, stone place. This is where I found the Secret of Life.
ReadFebruary 17, 2022
I’m tired, I find myself thinking. It feels as though I’m half-passed dead. Turns out…I am. I have died. Not one of my selves. I. Have. Died. I: Is this the end? Silence fills my empty non-tomb. I hear footsteps, delicate and yet filled with power — a
ReadJanuary 27, 2022
I went up to the hills, beyond the constellations in the sky, to visit with the hill folk. I: I have a problem, hill folk, and I seek your guidance. Celestia: You’ve traveled a long way, Watcher. We’ll help if we can. I: I’ve lost my soul
ReadJanuary 20, 2022
People always hide their true selves, mostly from themselves. It’s my job to bury them. But “what does that mean?” I wonder to my self more often than I’d care to admit. When travelers pass by me on the road, they avert their gaze and walk faster. I