
(116 posts)

February 17, 2022

I’m tired, I find myself thinking. It feels as though I’m half-passed dead. Turns out…I am. I have died. Not one of my selves. I. Have. Died. I: Is this the end? Silence fills my empty non-tomb. I hear footsteps, delicate and yet filled with power — a


February 15, 2022

“At the edge of the universe and at the center of your mind lies a bridge, a cosmic pathway hewn from stone and dark matter. Over the eons it has been called many names, but to those familiar with my work it is named: The Causeway. Very little is understood


February 10, 2022

Weird occurrences have become the norm in the not-so-quiet town of Harvest, Okla. The same town that endured the “llama incident” earlier this year has experienced yet another inexplicable phenomenon. Joni Evers, town resident and local mechanic, gives us her perspective on the event’s beginnings: “I first noticed something


January 27, 2022

I went up to the hills, beyond the constellations in the sky, to visit with the hill folk. I: I have a problem, hill folk, and I seek your guidance. Celestia: You’ve traveled a long way, Watcher. We’ll help if we can. I: I’ve lost my soul


January 20, 2022

People always hide their true selves, mostly from themselves. It’s my job to bury them. But “what does that mean?” I wonder to my self more often than I’d care to admit. When travelers pass by me on the road, they avert their gaze and walk faster. I


January 18, 2022

0:00/1× Transcript: Girl: Mom... mom! Mommy! Mom: What is it honey? Girl: I can't find Spikey! Mom: You can't find Spikey? That won't do, let me take a look. Girl: I need Spikey! Mom: Here we are Girl: *Excited gasp* Spikey Mom: Everything better now? Girl: Yeah! I


January 13, 2022

Strange happenings continue to disquiet the small town of Harvest, Okla. Known for their high-quality corn exports and locally world-famous Papier-mâché Museum, the town has reportedly run afoul of unfortunate phenomena over the past year. The latest incident occurred last night in the cornfield on the west side of town.


January 10, 2022

“On the outskirts of the village sits a solitary Motel that is not, in fact, a Motel. Denizens should be wary of its allure. While answers can be found here, no one should, under any circumstances, reside or sleep within its walls.”


January 10, 2022

Andre Torres, a man who has been reported missing for nearly a week, has been found. He wandered out of the woods east of town where he was spotted by a local resident Saturday morning, who called in his appearance. Here is an excerpt from our interview with Andre: Interviewer:


January 10, 2022

Once, I was burying one of my dead selves, and the Grave-Keeper strolled by. Grave-Keeper: That’s my job, Watcher I: Then why haven’t you done it? Grave-Keeper: I cannot, for you have hidden your dead selves from me. I: No, I have hidden nothing. Listen to what I


January 10, 2022

“It is known that one cannot simply find The Well; The Well must find you. Many have spent their whole lives searching to no avail. I believe the key lies in phenomenology; i.e. the study of the ways in which we experience things.”
